EESPA endorses the VeR position towards the German e-invoicing plans
EESPA fully endorses the position document of the VeR on the German plans for mandating e-invoicing. The VeR's support for the BMF proposal highlights the opportunities that come with the two-step introduction of mandatory e-invoicing and reporting system respectively, while also acknowledging the existing electronic invoicing processes.

EESPA fully endorses the position document of the VeR on the German plans for mandating e-invoicing. The VeR's support for the BMF proposal highlights the opportunities that come with the two-step introduction of mandatory e-invoicing and reporting system respectively, while also acknowledging the existing electronic invoicing processes.
Like the VeR, EESPA promotes supply chain automation based on standardized B2B sales and purchasing messages; nevertheless, the so-called hybrid e-invoice format can play a role until such standardization has been fully achieved.
EESPA wholeheartedly agrees with the VeR that it is beneficial if requirements can be provided in a timely manner, both concerning concrete specifications in relation to the e-invoicing mandate but also decisions that need to be made for the reporting system to keep the effort for all parties involved as low as possible in the second step.
We believe that the proposed approach will encourage a widespread adoption of e-invoicing, leading to increased efficiencies, cost savings, and reduced environmental impact. As the European association for E-invoicing Service Providers, we are committed to supporting initiatives that promote the growth of e-invoicing across Europe, and we see the German plans as a positive step in that direction.
About EESPA:
EESPA is the European trade association for a large and dynamic community of E-Invoicing Service Providers, drawn from organisations that provide network, business outsourcing, financial, technology and EDI services. EESPA is an International Not-for-Profit Association (AISBL/IVZW) organised under Belgian law. Formed in 2011 EESPA has over 90 full and associate members. EESPA members process more than 2 billion e-invoices yearly.
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Contact: Erik Timmermans, Secretary General
EESPA | Avenue Louise 143/4| 1050 Brussels - Belgium Tel: +32 475 75 50 13